SilverCloud Sign-up
SilverCloud Sign-up Start
Welcome to SilverCloud

Before we begin, please note:
- Everything you do on SilverCloud will remain completely confidential, with should it become apparent that you or someone else is at risk of harm.
- If your supporter believes there is a physical danger to you or another person, or that intervention may be necessary to protect you or others from physical harm.
- If there is a legal requirement for your supporter to provide information to others.
- If your supporter feels that a child is at risk or is experiencing emotional, physical, sexual abuse or neglect this may have to be reported to social services in line with child protection guidelines.
- To give you the best experience there are elements of your information that we need to store and process, in line with our
- information you enter directly;
- information given about you (by a supporter);
- and information collected automatically when you use the platform.
- SilverCloud is not an emergency service as your supporter can’t respond to you in real-time. If you need urgent help please
Please Note: For your own and others’ safety, there are some situations where complete confidentiality cannot be guaranteed:
SilverCloud takes your privacy and security very seriously, and we consider carefully any information that we need to collect or store.
The only information that we collect is:
This includes personal details, information about your mental health or usage details (for example when you log in and which pages you viewed).
We do this in order to make the platform work (for example, in order to show you which pages you have viewed or to communicate with your supporter), and also to better understand how it is being used so that we can keep improving.
If you would like to know more, you can read our full privacy notice at any stage by visiting your help centre. Or by using the link at the bottom of every page.
To commit to getting the most out of your program, please .
Our Supporters are there to help and guide you through the programme. If you do not wish to receive guidance from one of our Supporters, then please let the Supporter know. We will not be able to help manage any difficulties which arise if you elect not to have a Supporter. To improve our service to clients, we share information across our service so we will let your supporter know if you have used or are waiting to use our counselling service, and we will let your counsellor know that you have used SilverCloud if you do not want us to do this then please let us know.
What you can expect from your supporter:
All your input into the tools and journal will be shared with your supporter. Your supporter will not share any information about you or what you say. There are two exceptions to this:
1) If you are at risk of harm from another person, serious self –harm or harming another person. This can be physical, sexual or mental harm.
2) If you know of or are involved in serious illegal activities especially to do with terrorism.
In these circumstances, the minimum amount of information will be shared in order to keep you and/or others safe.
Please note that your supporter can only access your information once a week so it might be another member of our team that contacts you in the meantime if either of the two issues above are mentioned during your time on Silvercloud. This may take up to 5 days.
Your supporter will review your progress at the same time every week. This time will be agreed when you start with Silvercloud. You may receive reminder texts or emails in between your review times but your supporter will not be able to respond to you except at the agreed weekly time.
Your supporter will treat you with respect and consideration and will work with you to help you find skills and tools to manage your difficulties. If you are unhappy with your supporter please contact Time to Talk on 01635 760331.
Please note that Time to Talk is not an emergency service. In case of emergency please go to your local Accident and Emergency department or contact NHS 111 or 999.
What your supporter expects from you:
You work through Silvercloud at your own pace and chose the activities you want to do.
If you don’t like Silvercloud for any reason, please let your supporter know before leaving.
If your mental health gets worse and you feel you need more support than is available through Silvercloud, you will contact your GP to access further help.
If you need urgent help, you will contact 999 or use the contacts on the Find Help page.